The Truth About Alcohol and Chemicals in Kids' Hair Products

Alcohol and chemicals in everyday beauty products can be extremely harmful to kids. We all dream of an ideal world where we don’t have to check every label for potentially harmful ingredients, diving into hours...

Why Buy Children's Products That Are Gluten, Dairy, Soy, & Nut-free?

Many children in Australia are allergic to dairy, nuts, soy, and gluten—it is estimated that one out of every five children have gluten intolerance. That means that many mainstream products can cause everything from an...

Dealing With Head Lice in School: A Guide for Australian Parents

No one likes to talk about head lice, but unfortunately, they're a fact of life for many school-aged kids. They're often spread through close contact with someone who has them, such as sharing hats, brushes,...

The Hidden Dangers of Chlorinated Water For Children's Hair & How to Prevent Them

We all know that chlorinated water isn’t great for our hair. With consistent contact, it can dry it out, making it brittle and lifeless. But did you know that chlorinated water can also be dangerous...

Why You Should Avoid Artificial Colours in Children’s Products (& 5 of the Biggest Culprits!)

We all want what's best for our children, but with the paragraphs of ingredients on kids’ products in Australia, it's hard to know what that is. When it comes to artificial colours in children's products,...